Prof. Dr. Maria Kaika of the University of Amsterdam wins the tenth annual European Award for Excellence in Teaching in the Social Sciences and Humanities. 'The breadth and depth of Maria Kaika's work as a teacher, scholar and mentor are remarkable. They reveal what talent and passion can accomplish. Her achievements are stunning', stated the judging panel.

The selection committee was greatly impressed by Professor Kaika's scholarly achievements and sustained commitment to excellence in teaching. They noted, in particular, Kaika's commitment to creating more equitable cities and communities, demonstrated in her work with refugees, individuals grappling with debt and socio-economic disadvantage, and other vulnerable members of society. Her commitment to not just teaching about access and marginalization, but incorporation of students, refugees, and other members of society as fellow constructors of knowledge and community is exemplary.
About the European Award for Excellence in Teaching
The European Award for Excellence in Teaching in the Social Sciences and Humanities was launched by CEU Provost and Pro-Rector Liviu Matei for CEU's 20th anniversary in 2011 to honor academics in the social sciences and humanities who teach at higher education institutions in the European Higher Education Area.