Marine Search And Rescue - Rottnest Island

A 41-year-old man has been rescued in waters off Rottnest Island, following a marine search and rescue effort involving multiple emergency services on Friday 21 March 2025.
About 6.00pm, police received a report there was vessel in distress, with a man reporting his vessel was taking on water, off the coast of Rottnest Island. The AMSA Joint Rescue Coordination Centre in Canberra also notified
police of an EPIRB activation near The Basin, off Rottnest Island.
Water Police and Police Air Wing deployed to search for the vessel, and were assisted by AMSA, the RAC Rescue helicopter, Fremantle Marine Rescue, Cockburn Marine Rescue, Rottnest Island Authority and Australian Border
About 11.00pm, Police Air Wing located the man sitting on the upturned hull of his vessel. A marine rescue vessel was directed to the location and rescued the man from the water.
The man was wearing a life jacket and was uninjured. He was conveyed to shore by Fremantle Marine Rescue where he was reunited with his family.
The incident is a timely reminder for those heading out on the water to always wear a life jacket, and carry a registered and up to date EPIRB with GPS-enabled tracking to alert authorities to emergency situations.
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