Maugean Skate And Salmon Can Co-exist

Tasmanian Government

Today's announcement that the Maugean skate is showing positive signs in Macquarie Harbour has been welcomed by the Tasmanian Government.

The Tasmanian Liberal Government are the strongest supporters of Tasmania's salmon workers through our 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania's Future.

Minister for Business, Industry and Resources, Eric Abetz, says this is a clear indicator that the skate and salmon can co-exist in Macquarie Harbour.

"When we undertake scientific research we don't know what the outcome will be – it is independent and should always be so," Minister Abetz said.

"Today's news from reputable researchers is in complete contrast to the misinformation spread by the fear-for-profit brigade.

"We make no apologies for backing our world-class, sustainable salmon workers and now that we have the results, I would encourage Neighbours of Fish Farms and the Bob Brown Foundation to accept what the science is telling us and desist from spreading baseless misinformation.

"In their ongoing war against sustainably grown Tasmanian salmon, the Bob Brown Foundation have now started to bully independent, family-owned Tasmanian grocers. Make no mistake, they want to dictate what is on your plate and they will run through anyone to do it.

"Their fearmongering has come to the detriment of hard-working Tasmanians, a passionate and committed industry, world class scientists and the West Coast community and this needs to stop.

"Now we have this data in hand, the Federal Labor Government and Dean Winter must get themselves off the fence, show some backbone and support these terrific workers.

"Dean Winter and Federal Labor have no more excuses for continuing the devastating uncertainty that their inaction has inflicted on our West Coast salmon workers, their families and their community."

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