Maylee, Will & Zayn Secure 2024/25 Youth Grant

Leeton Shire Council


Council awarded a Youth Development Grant of $250 each to Maylee Teerman, Will Barton-Roden and Zayn Bourke to assist them with the costs of attending the NSW State Little and Junior Athletics championships held at Sydney Olympic Park Athletic Centre in March.

Maylee will be representing her local club 'Leeton Little Athletics' after successfully placing 2nd at zone level and 2nd at regional level and will compete in the category 9s shot put.

Will placed top three in the zone carnival which allowed him to progress to the regional carnival where he secured a top two spot which enabled him to move on to the junior state athletics championships. He will be competing in the categories 14s 100m and 200m hurdles.

Zayn will be attending the little athletics championships on 22nd and 23rd March competing in the events 9-10s 100m, long jump, shot put and discus (in the multi-class category).

Council wishes Maylee, Will and Zayn all the best and looks forward to receiving a report about their experience.

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