Mayor Greg Conkey offers sincere message of thanks to community

Mayor Greg Conkey has praised the emergency personnel and the wider community for the response to the bushfire disaster.

I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to the people of Wagga Wagga for your outstanding efforts in supporting the many hundreds of people who have sought refuge in our city during the past couple of weeks.

You have opened your hearts, your homes, your wallets and your pantries, as well as donated many hours of your own time to assist during these difficult days.

I have been humbled by the support provided by all sections of the community.

It's impossible to name everyone but your efforts have been truly appreciated.

It's in these times of adversity that the true spirit of our caring and compassionate city and surrounding villages comes to the fore.

The efforts of all the firefighters and their support crews and staff, and the countless volunteers in various capacities, also highlights the great community spirit that comes to the fore in times of crisis.

Thank you once again.

Greg Conkey

Mayor of the City of Wagga Wagga

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