Byron Shire Mayor, Michael Lyon, has announced the six community projects being supported by the Mayoral Fund in 2023/24.
Grants from $200 to $500 have been awarded to the following projects:
- Goonengerry Public School – to buy cooking appliances and establish an indigenous food garden for the students who cook lunches using produce from their school garden.
- Mullumbimby Community Food Box – to cover freight costs to get food from Brisbane and to supplement the cost of running the cold room in order to provide subsidised groceries to those in need.
- Bangalow Public School – for two student scholarship awards.
- Brunswick Heads Public School – to support a working bee to build the backdrop for the 2024 school musical.
- Mullumbimby High School P&C – to buy resources for a well-being space to help students needing mental health and wellbeing support.
- Bangalow Men's Shed – to support the women's wood-working group to build and install an all-weather community pantry for the distribution of dry pantry goods to people in need.
"The aim of the Mayor's Fund is to support small projects being run by local not-for-profit groups and schools that can foster a sense of community, happiness and delight and I think the recipients of the 2023/24 grants will do just that," Mayor Lyon said.
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