McGowan Government delivers plan to keep Bunbury, Warren-Blackwood and Vasse strong

  • 2021-22 State Budget provides regional WA with a record $9.1 billion infrastructure investment over the next four years
  • McGowan Government delivering election commitments in the Plan for Bunbury, Warren-Blackwood and Vasse
  • Bunbury, Warren-Blackwood and Vasse to benefit from $1.9 billion boost to health and mental health funding
  • More than $4.2 billion delivered in the Royalties for Regions program 
  • The McGowan Labor Government is delivering on its plan to keep Bunbury, Warren-Blackwood and Vasse strong, with the State Budget investing billions to create quality local jobs, fund a pipeline of infrastructure works and deliver key services like health and education.

    The 2021-22 State Budget delivers a strong surplus which enables the McGowan Government to deliver major investments for all Western Australians - including infrastructure, hospital and mental health services, social housing and climate action initiatives.

    The Budget includes a record $9.1 billion investment in regional infrastructure and $4.2 billion through Royalties for Regions, including $627 million in regional election commitments and other new regional initiatives.

    It includes ongoing support for vital services across regional WA, including $463 million for regional school bus services, and $2 billion to subsidise regional electricity and water costs to keep charges in line with what metropolitan users pay.

    Regional WA will benefit from a share of the $374 million State-wide investment in Aboriginal well-being.

    Delivering the Plan for Bunbury, Warren-Blackwood and Vasse, the McGowan Government has allocated further support for jobs, TAFE, health, schools, regional roads, tourism and community facilities.

    The 2021-22 State Budget will continue efforts to revitalise WA's TAFE and training sector, with a $198 million investment per annum in regional WA over the next four years, including:

    • continuing the Lower fees, local skills program, which has seen an increase of 20 per cent in enrolments in the South-West in 2021;
    • $25 million to WA TAFEs for new state-of-the-art equipment;
    • $29.8 million to provide 8,000 additional VET places in schools across WA, on top of an additional 1,350 VET places introduced in 2021;
    • $19.2 million VET career taster program for year 9 students; and
    • $37 million towards the Employer Incentive Scheme in regional WA. 

    The McGowan Government will continue to focus on delivering high quality healthcare for all Western Australians, regardless of where they live, including:

    • $1.9 billion investment in health and mental health to improve services throughout WA, including more doctors and nurses in the regions;
    • Delivery of the $200.1 million Bunbury Hospital redevelopment;
    • $19.7 million for the Patient Assisted Travel Scheme (PATS), increasing the accommodation subsidy to $100 per night, and increasing escort eligibility for people from vulnerable and disadvantaged groups, including women travelling to give birth;
    • an additional five paid paramedics in Bunbury;
    • the South-West will share in $2 million to support the work of regional renal support teams;
    • $17.6 million towards social and emotional well-being services for Aboriginal people in regional WA;
    • $9.2 million for Strong Spirit Strong Mind;
    • Bunbury's Acute Psychiatric Unit will share in $1.7 million for upgrades; and
    • $10.9 million to the Royal Flying Doctor Service to upgrade aircraft engines. 

    The McGowan Government is continuing its commitment to increase access to treatment and address the supply of meth in regional WA, including $9.3 million for the development of an alcohol and other drug rehabilitation facility at Bunbury Regional Prison.

    The McGowan Government will continue its strong investment in job creating projects to drive tourism and economic development, including:

    • $9.5 million towards the Australian Underwater Discovery Centre at Busselton Jetty to build a world class tourism attraction;
    • An additional $2 million into the development of the South West Advanced Manufacturing and Technology Hub - on top of the $485,000 already funded;
    • $100 million Investment Attraction and New Industries Fund;
    • $120 million for more than 150 frontline officers to speed up project approvals;
    • $12.1 million to implement the regional component of the Jina: Western Australian Aboriginal Tourism Action Plan 2021-25;
    • $45 million to expand the Aboriginal Rangers Program;
    • continuing the successful $40 million Regional Economic Development grants program, which since 2018 has invested over $2.4 million in 33 projects in the South-West, helping to create over 556 local jobs;
    • $12.9 million boost to regional arts programs;
    • $15 million for the Agriculture Climate Resilience Fund;
    • $15.1 million to strengthen WA's biosecurity capabilities; and.
    • $3 million towards the Wine Industry Export Growth Partnership. 

    The State Budget also includes important investment in quality education for young people in the regions, including:

    • $1.5 billion will be spent each year to provide regional students with a quality education, in addition to $427.5 million over the next four years for refurbishments, upgrades and new builds for regional primary and secondary schools;
    • $3 million to refurbish the South Bunbury Education Support Centre;
    • $6.6 million to redevelop classrooms into STEM classrooms at Bunbury Senior High School ($1 million), Dalyellup College ($1 million), Busselton Senior High School ($1.2 million), Cape Naturaliste College ($500,000), Bridgetown High School ($400,000), Manjimup Senior High School ($1 million) and Denmark Senior High School ($1.5 million); and
    • investment into science resources for primary schools across the region, and to transform existing classrooms into science laboratories at Boyup Brook, Nannup and Northcliffe district high schools. 

    After delivering record investment in regional roads over the past four years, the McGowan Government will oversee another significant investment into regional roads, including:

    • $4.5 billion for major road projects and programs throughout regional WA;
    • continuing to deliver the $852 million Bunbury Outer Ring Road;
    • $74,000 to install traffic signals at the Bussell Highway and Somerville Drive intersection in Bunbury; and
    • over $59 million for the Regional Road Safety Program to invest in repairing, rebuilding and road safety treatments on 680 kilometres of roads in the South-West 

    Social and public housing in the Bunbury suburb of Withers will receive a $5 million upgrade.

    The 2021-22 State Budget also includes significant investment to help keep people active, healthy and connected with their communities, including:

    • $8 million to the City of Bunbury to build new indoor basketball courts at the South West Sports Centre;
    • $250,000 for a feasibility study, pre-planning and engineering work to determine the viability of constructing an ocean pool at Bunbury Back Beach; and
    • $750,000 towards a replacement crash barrier fence and increased safety measures at Bunbury Speedway. 

    The State Budget also includes $315 million over four years for the South West Native Title Settlement.

    For more information, visit

    As stated by Premier Mark McGowan:

    "My Government's responsible financial management is enabling us to invest in the regions and keep Bunbury, Warren-Blackwood and Vasse strong - creating local jobs, building a pipeline of infrastructure works and supporting vital services like health and education.

    "We're funding our Plan for Bunbury, Warren-Blackwood and Vasse to keep the regional economy growing, while delivering on our election commitments for the local community.

    "Our WA Jobs Plan preferences Western Australians for local jobs first, as we work to diversify the regional economy in Bunbury, Warren-Blackwood and Vasse, attract investment and build a skilled workforce for the future.

    "The 2021-22 State Budget is working to deliver a strong and vibrant region, with quality local services that give people every reason to live, work and raise a family in Bunbury, Warren-Blackwood and Vasse."

    As stated by Regional Development Minister Alannah MacTiernan:

    "Our Government is continuing to build strong and resilient regional communities, working to diversify our regional economies and create local jobs.

    "We are delivering on our election commitments, and helping our regions to embrace future opportunities and 21st century industries."

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