Meet Tandra Gill Spain, Avionics Senior Project Manager

For astronauts aboard the International Space Station, staying connected to loved ones and maintaining a sense of normalcy is critical. That is where Tandra Gill Spain, a computer resources senior project manager in NASA's Avionics and Software Office, comes in. Spain leads the integration of applications on Apple devices and the hardware integration on the Joint Station Local Area Network, which connects the systems from various space agencies on the International Space Station. She also provides technical lead support to the Systems Engineering and Space Operations Computing teams and certifies hardware for use on the orbiting laboratory.

Spain shares about her career with NASA and more. Read on to learn about her story, her favorite project, and the advice she has for the next generation of explorers.

Tandra Spain's official NASA portrait.

Where are you from?

I am from Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Tell us about your role at NASA.

I am the Apple subsystem manager where I lead the integration of applications on Apple devices as well as the hardware integration on the Joint Station Local Area Network. We use a variety of different software but I work specifically with our Apple products. I also provide technical lead support to the Systems Engineering and Space Operations Computing teams. In addition, I select and oversee the certification of hardware for use on the International Space Station, and I research commonly used technology and assess applicability to space operations.

How would you describe your job to family or friends who may not be familiar with NASA?

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