Female physicists from all over the world will meet for a three-day workshop of the Grete Hermann Network starting Monday, July 31 at the University of Würzburg.
Leading female researchers in condensed matter physics will meet to exchange ideas at the University of Würzburg. Among them will be the former president of the Japanese Physical Society and a scientific representative of one of the world's largest computer chip manufacturing companies, as well as young female scientists.
The scientists will share and discuss their research and careers with each other as well as with faculty and students at the university. The workshop will take place from Monday, July 31, to Wednesday, Aug. 2, 2023, in the Graduate School of Life Science building on Campus Hubland North.
Focusing on female researchers
The meeting is organized by the Grete Hermann Network (GHN), an international network of female researchers in the field of quantum physics and condensed matter physics, which includes both young female scientists and experienced female professors. It is named after Grete Hermann, a pioneer in quantum mechanics. The aim of the GHN is to focus on outstanding scientific achievements of the researchers and to support them on their different career paths.
The GHN workshop is all about this endeavor. Beyond science, network members will also have the opportunity to meet and exchange ideas in a less formal setting.
Cluster of Excellence ct.qmat supports the network
The GHN network is supported by the Cluster of Excellence "Complexity and Topology in Quantum Matter - ct.qmat". The Cluster of Excellence ct.qmat is a collaboration of Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg and the Technical University of Dresden, which has been funded by the German federal and state governments since 2019 as part of the Excellence Strategy. One of the central efforts of ct.qmat is to support the recruitment and promotion of female scientists through the Grete Hermann Network - with a view to promoting excellent research.