Murray-Darling Basin Water Ministers will meet in Canberra on Sunday to ensure the basin Plan is rolled out properly as the nation endures the current drought.
Minister for Water Resources David Littleproud said he would meet state and territory ministers to discuss how the drought is affecting Basin communities, agriculture and the environment.
"I'm committed to working with State and Territory ministers to improve the roll-out of the Plan and to engage with Basin communities," Minister Littleproud said.
"The Council will be considering 38 recommendations from the Productivity Commission report to improve the implementation of the Basin Plan.
"We will also look at what could be done to ease pressure on Basin communities that are under strain from high water prices.
"This will inform our policies and actions on Basin Plan going forward.
On the agenda:
- Considering and responding to Productivity Commission recommendations
- Agree to a plan to deliver the Northern Basin toolkit measures
- Progress next steps in addressing the risks of future fish death events
- Address the challenges of delivery constraints in the Southern Basin
- MDBA will report on the outlook and discuss the challenges of delivering water
- Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder to discuss benefits of recent watering events
- Basin Community Committee to outline concerns on the impact of the drought
- A briefing from Northern Basin Commissioner, Mr Mick Keelty AO APM
Fast Facts:
- The key task of the Ministerial Council is to work through major policy issues in managing the water and other natural resources of the Murray-Darling Basin.
- The Ministerial Council is chaired by Minister Littleproud. Other members include Hon. Melinda Pavey MLC (NSW), Hon. Lisa Neville MP (Vic), Hon. David Speirs MP (SA), Hon. Dr Anthony Lynham (Qld), Mr Mick Gentleman MLA (ACT).