Melting Glaciers Spell Bleak Future for Growing Populations

Sustainable Population Australia

In the lead-up to World Water Day (March 22), the theme of which is 'Glacier Preservation', Sustainable Population Australia (SPA) warns that people dependent on glacial meltwater for crops will face even worse food insecurity as population numbers continue to grow.

SPA Spokesperson Michael Bayliss says that billions of people as well as global ecosystems are at risk of devastation as glaciers melt faster than ever due to human induced climate change.

"Glaciers are melting earlier in spring, just as crops are being sown," says Mr Bayliss. "This is not a problem at the time, but it is a problem later in the season when there is less meltwater. Farmers then need to supplement with groundwater if there is insufficient rain.

"As more farmland is opened up because there are more mouths to feed, aquifers are over pumped, putting at risk the ongoing ability to grow crops.

Michael Bayliss, SPA Spokesperson, is available for

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