Member Reappointed to Family Procedure Rule Panel

UK Gov

The Lord Chancellor has announced the reappointment of Robert Edwards as a member of the Family Procedure Rule Committee.

The Lord Chancellor reappointed Robert Edwards as a member, nominated by Welsh Ministers to represent the interests of Welsh family proceedings officers, to the Family Procedure Rule Committee (FPRC) from 1 October 2024 until 28 February 2027.

The Lord Chancellor also confirmed the decision of previous ministers to extend Mr Edward's tenure from 1 March to 30 September 2024.

The FPRC is a non-departmental public body, established - in 2004 - under the Courts Act 2003 ('the Act'), to make Family Procedure Rules. Its aim is to make clear, easily understandable rules to create an accessible, fair, and efficient family justice system.

Appointments to the FPRC are made under Section 77(2) of the Act. The Act provides that a member is nominated by the Welsh Ministers to represent the interests of Welsh family proceedings officers and appointed by the Lord Chancellor in consultation with the President of the Family Division.

The appointment of the FPRC member, nominated by Welsh Ministers to represent the interests of Welsh family proceedings officers, is not regulated by the Commissioner for Public Appointments.


Robert Edwards is a lawyer at the Welsh Government and principal adviser to Cafcass Cymru, with responsibility for providing advice, representation and training to the organisation. Robert specialises in children law and previously worked in Welsh local authorities and private practice.

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