Memorial Unveiled To Public


The HMAS Perth I memorial was inaugurated in East Fremantle recently by the Governor of Western Australia Chris Dawson and Commanding Officer HMAS Perth III Commander Dylan White.

Perth I, a modified Leander-class light cruiser, was commissioned on June 29, 1939, and served with distinction in the early years of the Second World War.

The ship was sunk on March 1, 1942, while battling larger Japanese naval forces at Sunda Strait, with a crew of 681 officers, ratings and civilian canteen staff.

Of these, 353 were killed in action or lost at sea, and four more died after reaching shore. Of the 324 who became prisoners of war of the Japanese, 106 did not survive.

Only 218 returned home.

Commander White offered his perspective as captain of the current namesake ship.

"The dangers of life at sea are never greater than when under attack from a superior and well-disciplined enemy," Commander White said.

"The crew of HMAS Perth I and USS Houston fought a brave battle, meeting the full expectations of their commanders and their nations, with many making the ultimate sacrifice."

The direct links to Perth I and Houston have now been lost with the passing of the last survivors.

Able Seaman Frank McGovern, of Perth I, died in July 2023 at 103, and Able Seaman Robert Hanley, of USS Houston, died in September 2024 at 102.

Colin Bancroft, a representative of the descendants of Perth I's crew, paid his respects to both ships' companies.

"To the family members and descendants of the 1942 crew, as well as members of HMAS Perth I and USS Houston, the service your ancestors gave will never be forgotten. Lest we forget," Mr Bancroft said.

The memorial is designed in the shape of a ship's bow, adorned with ceramic glass images of Perth I and its crew, serving as the central symbolic focus and monumental representation of the ship.

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