Mental Health Minister Speech

Department of Health

ASSISTANT MINISTER EMMA MCBRIDE: Thank you, Alex, and thank you so much to Aunty Joan for her really generous welcome to us all here today. I want to begin by acknowledging the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we meet, and pay my respects to Elders past and present. And I would also like to acknowledge everyone with a lived and living experience of suicide and suicidal distress, as well as all of you here today for your ongoing commitment to preventing suicide.

As Alex has said, every day in Australia, we lose some nine people to suicide, and 150 people attempt to take their own life. Every person lost and every experience of suicidal distress is devastating, but it does not have to be this way. Suicide and suicidal distress can be prevented and to do so we need a comprehensive approach that brings together all governments, services, and communities. An approach that is genuinely preventative and reduces the likelihood of distress occurring in the first place, and that offers compassionate support for everyone experiencing suicidal distress.

That is what the National Suicide Prevention Strategy 2025-2035 delivers - a new approach that outlines what is required to provide a national, evidence-based, and compassionate suicide prevention system. It aims to prevent suicide by addressing the circumstances that lead to suicidal distress, and to support people experiencing suicidal thoughts and those who care for them.

I am so proud to be a member of the Labor Government, releasing the National Suicide Prevention Strategy today, alongside the National Suicide Prevention Office. I'm proud to be part of a government that is addressing the drivers of distress by reducing unemployment and increasing wages, improving access to healthcare, addressing housing security and homelessness, family and domestic violence. Across government, we are making meaningful change. And the strategy is an important milestone that charts the course towards a country where we can prevent suicide. A milestone that I know many people here and across the sector have worked towards, that individuals, families, and communities have called for a long time.

I want to thank each and every one of you for your contributions, commitment, and support for this strategy. Thank you to the Lived Experience Partnership Group, led by Susan Edgar, for your leadership and willingness to share some of the most difficult experiences of your lives so that we may better support those who may also live through that distress. And thank you to the National Suicide Prevention Office Advisory Board, led by Dr Alan Woodward, for your expertise and guidance that has made the strategy a leading example of evidence based policy. And thank you to the entire team at the National Suicide Prevention Office, led by Dr Alex Hains, who have worked tirelessly to bring together this community and develop the strategy. I'm also grateful for the commitment and support of every state and territory as the strategy has been drafted and finalised.

The release today has only been possible with the support of people with lived and living experience of suicide, and I'm so personally grateful to every single person with a lived and living experience of suicide and suicidal distress who has made today happen.

Today, we can also announce an additional $69 million to make sure that support is available for those affected by suicide and suicidal distress under the National Suicide Prevention Leadership Support Program. This funding for suicide prevention services, community support programs, health promotion campaigns, and research will make a real difference as we begin the work of preventing suicide and realising the vision of the National Suicide Prevention Strategy.

I am hopeful that, as we release the strategy today, that we may all share a feeling of hope and optimism. A hope in our shared purpose to support every person in need and those who love them, and hope in this shared commitment towards a future without the devastating loss of so many people.

Thank you and congratulations.

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