Mental health support workshops coming to Wide Bay-Burnett region

The impacts of drought, COVID-19, labour shortages and water challenges are taking their toll on farmers  in the Wide Bay-Burnett region with many in the sector fearing that this may have serious consequences  for peoples’ mental health and wellbeing. 

The OzHelp Foundation, a provider of workplace wellbeing programs specialising in mental health and  suicide prevention, will deliver mental health support workshops in the Wide Bay-Burnett region on the 6th  and 7th of May.  

These workshops have been specifically developed for frontline agricultural workers such as agronomists,  bank managers, industry groups and agribusiness advisors, those who work in farming or agriculture,  members of the community, and other professionals or service providers who live and work in rural  communities.  

OzHelp is partnering with rural wellbeing researcher, Dr Meg Perceval, to deliver the “CARE for Rural  Australia” project, which is designed to empower frontline agricultural workers, those working directly in  agriculture, as well as other professionals and members of the community, to better support farmers and  others who may be struggling with the impacts of drought and other challenges. 

“I have a deep understanding of the issues facing people living and working in rural areas” said Dr. Perceval. 

“I have spent most of my life living and working on a grazing property and have experienced the everyday  pressures of farming which is why I’m so pleased to be delivering the CARE workshops in Bundaberg and  Gayndah with OzHelp”. 

“My research in this field has strengthened my understanding of mental health problems and suicide issues  amongst rural communities as well as factors which can really make a difference to improve people’s  overall health and happiness” said Dr Perceval “which I love sharing with others through the CARE  program. I know it makes a real and positive difference for people”. 

General Manager of Isis CANEGROWERS, Angela Williams, believes the need for these workshops is strong  in the Wide Bay-Burnett region. 

“Farmers in this region have struggled with the challenges of prolonged drought, the uncertainty  surrounding the future of Paradise Dam, low commodity prices and the impact of COVID-19 in the last few  years,” said Ms Williams.

“Often, people like myself who work with farmers every day, find themselves in a situation where they  become an ‘accidental counsellor’ to a farmer who is struggling with the challenges facing his/her  business.” 

“The CARE for Rural Australia workshops will help local agronomists, fertiliser and irrigation suppliers,  accountants, industry representatives and others to be better equipped to handle situations where we  become an ‘accidental counsellor’ and hopefully reduce the rates of suicide and depression amongst our  farming communities,” said Ms Williams. 

“CARE is a highly practical workshop to help those who work in farming, agribusiness, industry  representation, finance, education, health and human services, as well as general members of rural  communities to feel more confident in dealing with mental health concerns and suicide prevention, as well  as helping to build resilience and improve their own wellbeing” said Dr Perceval. 

“The CARE action plan (Connect Ask Refer Encourage)© helps people to care for others' wellbeing, and  feel empowered to help, knowing they are using an evidence-based approach.” 

OzHelp Foundation (OzHelp) is committed to contributing towards the evidence base to improve rural  health and suicide prevention outcomes. Towards this, they are partnering with the Australian Institute for  Suicide Research and Prevention (AISRAP) at Griffith University to independently evaluate the CARE for  Rural Australia project. Participation in this study is completely optional, and participation is greatly  appreciated. 

This program has been made possible through funding from the Perpetual IMPACT Philanthropic grant.  OzHelp is accredited under the National Standards for Mental Health Services has been selected by the  Federal Department of Health to deliver the National Suicide Prevention Leadership Strategy.  

For a list of workshop locations and dates visit OzHelp website.

If this article raises concerns for you, please call Lifeline 13 11 14, Beyond Blue 1300 224 636 or the  Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467. For anyone who has been bereaved or impacted by suicide at any  stage in their life, StandBy provide services all around Australia. Call 0429 147 491 during Queensland  business hours.

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