Message To Our Community

Dear residents,

Thank you to everyone who has shown patience as we work on the issues most important to residents.

On behalf of the new Councillors, please be assured that we are listening to community feedback and are taking action.

Here is an update on two important issues and our next steps.

Local Laws and Private Land

We have heard your concerns about the Casey Community Local Law 2023, especially about private land use and Council officers' powers to seize and impound property.

Casey's Local Laws have been in place for many years and exist to protect the community. However, parts of these laws were changed by the Administrators in December 2023 and your new Councillors agree that this has created confusion and that further review is needed.

Councillors understand the community's concerns and are working to review and resolve these issues.

Proposed Waste Transfer Station

We know the proposed Waste Transfer Station in Hampton Park is also a long-standing community concern.

In 2018, the State Government designated Hallam Road Landfill as a location for a future waste facility. Council officers issued a planning permit for a proposed waste transfer station before the new Councillors were elected.

This proposal is now being assessed by the EPA to decide if a development licence can be approved. Without this license the waste transfer station cannot happen.

As a Councillor group we are using our voices to ensure the EPA and State Government listen to our community.

Next Steps

Councillors have discussed these issues and requested formal reports to be discussed at the March Council meeting.

Now is your opportunity to contact your local Councillor so we can represent your views at the March meeting.

That way Councillors can represent our community's concerns and transparently decide on the best action to assist our community.

All we ask is that everyone observes Council's public debates respectfully.

Yours sincerely,

Cr Stefan Koomen JP


City of Casey

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