MidCoast Council
MidCoast Flood Update as at 10.30am Saturday 20 March, 2021:
It's looking likely that this is a 1 in 100 year flood event. Please do not travel unneccessarily around the region. Our SES, Emergency and Council crews are stretched to their limits.
Manning River at #Taree is expected to peak within the next three hours, with the lower Manning continuing to rise as the day progresses. The river at #Harrington is also currently climbing heading towards high tide. We are monitoring levels across the region with Gloucester having peaked this morning and Wingham nearing its peak now.
Roads to the north and south into Taree are now closed and evacuation orders are in place for Taree Estate, Taree CBD, Dumaresq Island and #Cundletown. Please see NSW SES Taree City Unit Facebook Page
The Taree Evacuation Centre is operating at Club Taree.
Local Land Services have advised Taree saleyards is open for emergency stock relocation – there are a number of paddocks operating and some reserves of hay.
#ManningPoint is isolated and an evacuation centre has been established at the bowling club.
#Wingham: Wingham is also isolated, with an evacuation centre at the Wingham Golf Club.
#Bulahdelah: is isolated with an evacuation centre at the Bulahdelah Central School
#Gloucester: Gloucester is isolated and is now above a major flood level. The caravan park was evacuated yesterday.
Again, please take care on our roads - do not travel unnecessarily - and don't ever enter flood waters.
For the latest information on road closures please keep your eye on myroadinfo - and please be patient, there are a range of emergency services working together to keep this information updated, however things change quickly.
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