Middle School Reform Underway In Territory

NT Government

Parents will have a chance to hear more about the government's planned move away from middle schools this month with school meetings to be held across the Territory.

The move away from middle schools was a key recommendation of the former Labor government's Review of Secondary Education, released in 2023, and supported by the CLP prior to the election last year.

A dedicated Secondary Reform Program has been developed to ensure thorough consultation occurs this year with all stakeholders including students, families, educators, school communities and peak bodies.

Minister for Education and Training Jo Hersey said consultation with school councils would kick off this week with parents and families invited to attend.

"We want to get the transition away from middle schools right," she said.

"Changing our decades old secondary education structure won't happen overnight and the move away from middle schools will take time and careful planning.

"This year will be dedicated to that planning and consultation with no changes to our middle school model in 2025."

Mrs Hersey said the secondary reform would help boost attendance rates across the Territory.

"A shift away from middle schools will ensure our student pathways are more aligned to the Territory's skills needs and importantly help our students remain engaged throughout their secondary education," she said.

"Planning this month will focus on our urban areas and what the future state of comprehensive high schools (years 7-12) will look like in these areas, with remote engagement occurring next term. This engagement will help develop tailored delivery models bespoke to each region.

"I encourage all parents who are interested in learning more about the move away from middle schools to attend their School Council meeting in March."

Over the next four weeks briefings will be held at affected urban schools across the Territory including in Darwin at Casuarina Senior College, Darwin High School and Middle School, Dripstone Middle School, Nightcliff Middle School and Sanderson Middle School and in Alice Springs at Centralian Middle School and Centralian Senior College.

A phased transition to the new secondary education model will commence from next year.

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