Midland Junction Lotteries House Offers Rent Spaces

Midland Junction Lotteries House is a not-for-profit organisation borne out of a partnership between LotteryWest and the City of Swan to provide financially accessible office solutions to upcoming not-for-profit (NFP) organisations.

The interior of Midland Junction Lotteries House offers purpose-built office spaces, providing low-cost solutions for NFP businesses to kickstart their growth.

Geraldine Dalley, Administrator said the space has helped launch successful clients to new heights, such as Ngala Parenting Support Services, Binar Futures sports program and Indigo Junction crisis support services.

"Midland Junctions Lottery House provides crucial access to the Eastern urban corridor of Western Australia, allowing businesses to broaden their presence and reach," she said.

She has seen the benefits firsthand with organisations such as Indigo Junction growing rapidly.

Since establishing at Midland Junctions Lotteries House, Indigo Junction has hired larger spaces to support the team's business growth.

Complete with a mixture of open and quiet office spaces, a conference room, a sitting room, a fully functional kitchen, wheelchair accessible bathroom and an elevator for easy access.

Midland Junction Lotteries House provides versatile, accessible and budget-friendly office solutions to primarily NFP organisations.

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