Mildura Landfill Now Accepting BagMUSTER Bags


Mildura Rural City Council is now an official participant in the bagMUSTER program - a national initiative aimed at helping the agricultural industry recycle single-use polypropylene (PP) plastic bags.

Mildura Landfill and the Lake Cullulleraine, Nangiloc and Werrimull Transfer Stations are now accepting eligible PP bags for recycling, making it easier for local farmers and growers to contribute to a sustainable future.

"bagMUSTER, operated by Agsafe, is a not-for-profit industry-led product stewardship program designed to tackle the increasing challenge of single-use plastic waste in agriculture," Councillor for Environmental and Sustainability, Cr Jodi Ewings, said.

"The program provides a safe, convenient and environmentally-friendly way to dispose of single-use PP bags commonly used for products like fertiliser, seed, grain, stock feed and pet food.

"By recycling these bags, we can prevent plastic waste from entering landfills and promote a cleaner environment."

The bagMUSTER program has numerous benefits, including:

  • Environmental impact: Recycling PP bags reduces plastic waste, protecting ecosystems and contributing to sustainable agricultural practices
  • Convenience: Drop off eligible bags at the Mildura Landfill for recycling, making it easy to dispose of used bags responsibly
  • Free disposal: There is no fee for dropping off your bags at a bagMUSTER collection site

Those interested in utilising the program must visit to register bags and locate our collection site.

Be sure to bring your registration confirmation with you when dropping off the bags to ensure a smooth recycling process.

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