Mildura's new Mayor and Deputy Mayor elected

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Cr Liam Wood was elected Mayor for a second consecutive term at tonight's Annual Meeting of Council, while Cr Helen Healy was elected Deputy Mayor for the second time.

Mayor Wood congratulated Cr Healy on her election as Deputy Mayor and thanked Councillors for their ongoing support.

"I've been humbled by the support of my fellow Councillors over the past year and look forward to working closely with them, our community and Council staff over the next 12 months," Cr Wood said.

"I'm immensely proud to be elected Mayor of our wonderful municipality for a second term, and grateful for the unanimous support of my fellow Councillors at tonight's election.

"While my immediate priority is supporting our community through the current rising river levels and resulting flooding, I'm looking forward to seeing the raft of exciting major projects in our region through to completion in the year ahead."

Deputy Mayor Helen Healy said she looked forward to working even more closely with the community and taking on the challenges that lay ahead.

"I'm proud to be Mildura's Deputy Mayor and working alongside Cr Liam Wood in his Mayoral role," Cr Healy said.

"I'm really excited about getting out and working with our amazing community.

"We've had some difficult times in the past few years and we're facing some tough times right now, but by getting on the front foot and working together, we'll overcome the current challenges we're facing."

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