Miles' Budget Boosts CBD Revamp, Increases Townsville Housing

  • Premier Steven Miles has today visited the Townsville Railyard to announce $35 million to deliver more housing for the region.
  • Funding will progress remediation and stabilisation work on heritage rail yards in Townsville, to support redevelopment of commercial and residential precincts.
  • Estimated to deliver 319 apartments for City of Townsville and provide much needed CBD rejuvenation.

Townsville's North Rail Yards, a depot for Queensland Rail over a Century ago, has been identified for a large-scale commercial and residential redevelopment.

Townsville's population is set to grow by approximately 65,000 people over the next 22 years – meaning new and innovative development options must be investigated.

$35 million from the 2024 State Budget has been invested to make the existing railyards precinct ready for development.

This will include remediation works and stabilisation of heritage infrastructure.

It's expected that future development of the precinct could deliver about 319 apartments in a location that is central to shops, employment, schools and the entertainment precinct.

The heritage site will play a fundamental role in supporting sustainable growth of the region, with the development of the North Rail Yard Precinct significantly contributing to delivering housing for the city's growing population.

It's expected a redeveloped precinct will also incorporate commercial and public spaces – improving the viability of the CBD precinct.

As stated by Premier Steven Miles:

"Townsville has been in desperate need of investment in its CBD precinct, and it's my government that's delivering.

"This $35 million investment will be the start of what I hope is the ongoing development of Townsville's railyards precinct and the broader CBD area.

"This is about delivering more housing, more jobs and more economic opportunity because that's what matters for Townsville.

"I'm listening and delivering for Queenslanders today and every day."

As stated by Deputy Premier and Treasurer Cameron Dick:

"The redevelopment of the North Rail Yards will preserve this historic Townsville landmark while also providing housing solutions for the future.

"The Miles Labor Government is able to invest in this project because of the strength of our budget and our balance sheet.

"David Crisafulli and the LNP can't do this because they have promised to spend more, tax less and reduce debt, meaning they would be forced to cut projects like this.

"Only a Miles Labor Government has the courage to do what matters for Queenslanders now and in the future, including investing in transformative housing projects like North Rail yards."

As stated by Member for Townsville Scott Stewart:

"The city needs a vision for the future where people will be able to live and play.

"That's why we built Queensland Country Bank Stadium, the showpiece of the city, to help activate the CBD.

"As Townsville positions itself to take advantage of the next boom in mining through the critical minerals sector, people will need places to work, live and play and this is what this project will deliver."

As stated by Member for Mundingburra Les Walker:

"This exciting project is set to rejuvenate the heritage buildings in North Rail Yards and pave the way for large-scale redevelopment of up to 319 apartments, which could include affordable housing.

"Townsville's historic artefacts are currently under utilised, without a facility to showcase the regions rich heritage.

"The Rail Yards Precinct is a unique opportunity to create a contemporary cultural hub which celebrates Townsville's rail history."

As stated by Member for Thuringowa Aaron Harper:

"Townsville is a great place to live, but with so many people moving here it means that our housing market is feeling the pressure.

"That's why we're continuing to invest in housing throughout the city including the North Rail Yards to help create more housing options for people."

"I'm proud to be part of the Miles Government that is continuing to invest in Townsville and help with cost of living pressures through this State Budget."

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