Million Dollar Fish Season 5: Your Chance to Bag One of Six $1 million Barra

Australias richest fishing competition and the Territorys own,Million Dollar Fish will kick off Season 5 with a staggering six tagged Barramundiworth $1 million each.

The Million Dollar Fish Competition reels in fishing fanatics tothe Territory, providing a boost to tourism and local tourism operators.

This years competition will see a total of 121 tagged Barramundireleased around the Top End including one red-tagged $1 million Barra markedSeason 5 and 100 red-tagged Barras worth $10,000 each.

A further 20 purple-tagged Barramundi each worth $5,000 have been released, to be split between the lucky fisho and their choice of three NTbased charities; Cancer Council NT, Star Ball through the Starlight ChildrensFoundation, and the Shimano Junior Indigenous Guide Program, through the Hayden& Reynolds Project.

The $1 million tagged Barras from Seasons 1, 2, 3 and 4 remainactive in Season 5 of the competition, with the bonus season for Season 4 liveuntil 30 September or until the first $1 million barra is caught.

The previous season's $1 million tag numbers to look out for include:




S4-MDF4540 and S4-MDF4663

The$1 million tag number for the upcoming Season 5 Million Dollar Fish competitionwill remain a secret until the end of Season 5.

Season 5 kicks off on 1 October 2019 and runs to 31 March 2020.

Entry is free and competitionparticipants must register online at

By registering for the competition, participants will be enteredinto the draw for more than $30,000 worth of prizes from Anaconda, BigfishGear, Engel, Shimano and Holidays of Australia and the World.

Quotesfrom Minister for Sport, Tourism and Culture, Lauren Moss:

We recognise that the tourism industry is one of the primary drivers of oureconomy, with Tourism in the Territory directly and indirectly employing 17,100people.

The Million Dollar Fish competition is a favourite withTerritorians and visitors, helping to secure the Territorys place among theworlds most renowned fishing destinations.

The Territory Labor Government continues to work hard to attract new andrepeat visitors to enjoy our exceptional tourism experiences.

The secret is well and truly out on the Territory being an unrivalled fishingdestination, now through our Signature Dish Series in partnership withHospitality NT, we are seeing Territory seafood help to raise the profile ofTerritory produce and promote the NT as a must-do holiday destination forfoodies.

As stated by Minister for Primary Industry and Resources, Paul Kirby:

The Northern Territory boasts the largest numbers of barramundi in Australiaand in a boost for recreational fishing and a first for the Territory,construction is underway to build four artificial reefs designed to replicatethe best possible natural reef habitat in the Greater Darwin region.

While it will take several years for the artificial reefs to fully establish, thisproject will improve recreational fishing as a popular lifestyle and tourismactivity attracting both local and visiting fishers to drop a line in NTwaters.

I urge fishos to Be Crocwise and responsible on the water by downloading thefree NT Fishing Mate app which features information on applicable bag limits, boatramps and water safety information.

As stated by BetEasy Strategic Partnerships Manager, Brad Fanning:

Season 5 is a game-changer. With six $1 million fish swimming in NT waters,the odds are better than ever to snag $1 million in the NT.

The 121 tagged barramundi for Season 5 have again been released in Darwin andother prime Territory fishing destinations, including Kakadu, Katherine, theTiwi Islands and Arnhem Land regions.

BetEasy is proud to be behind the greatest fishing competition, Million DollarFish and were waiting for a huge pay day for one lucky angler in Season 5.

If the $1 million fish is not caught within the competition timeframe, all six$1 million prize tagged fish will remain active post-competition between 31March 2020 to 30 September 2020, with the first to be caught awarding theparticipant $1 million.

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