Upgrades totalling $3.8 million are on the way for Cooma Festival Swimming Pool, thanks to a grant from the Department of Regional New South Wales under the Stronger Country Communities Fund.
Investigations into using this grant to enclose the pool determined that enclosure would cost significantly more than the funding received.
Cooma Pool's old and outdated water filtration system is the most urgent problem that can be fixed with the funding available. Approval was sought to use the grant for this improvement, which will make the pool significantly safer and more enjoyable for all patrons.
Grant-funded upgrades for Cooma Festival Swimming Pool include:
- Refurbishing the main 25-metre pool and rehabilitation pool and complete replacement of the underlying pipework.
- Installation of a new wet edge to the 25-metre pool, rehabilitation pool, and toddler pool, to make entering and exiting the water easier and safer.
- Installation of all-new filtration systems to ensure water quality meets the latest standards now and in the future.
- Reducing the deep end of the 25-metre pool to 1.8 metres to lower capital and ongoing running costs. This is the minimum depth required for the existing diving platforms or starting blocks. Less water to pump and treat means lower costs for the community.
- Building a new loading dock and installing up-to-date plant equipment.
Council has also requested development approval for additional work to bring other parts of Cooma Pool up to current standards.
If the tender bids received for these upgrades are lower than the grant amount available, the following works will be added to the project:
- Accessibility and ease-of-access will be improved through the construction of new entry stairs, emergency exit stairs, an undercover pick-up/drop-off point, and the installation of an accessible entry/exit ramp. Existing stairs, walkways and ramps will also be upgraded in-line with regulations.
- Pool fencing and enclosures will be made compliant with current regulatory standards, either through the installation of new barriers or upgrades to existing fences and enclosures.
- The existing entryway will receive a new awning to provide pool users with a shaded walkway during the warmer months.
Council is also investigating whether a new undercover pool grandstand can be built, following community requests for improved seating for students during swimming carnivals. Funding needs to be found before this upgrade can proceed, and these investigations will ensure we understand the costs involved.
Once the development application for this project is approved, we expect work to begin during the 2025 off season. The estimated duration for these upgrades is approximately eight months, scheduled for the winter pool closure to minimise disruptions to pool users.
Council looks forward to updating the community further as planning progresses.
We have put together an FAQ document to address questions and concerns about this project, and the scope approved by the NSW Government in granting Council's funding application.