Tasmanian Greens Senators Nick McKim and Pete Whish-Wilson have congratulated former Tasmanian and Australian Greens Leader Christine Milne in her inclusion on the Tasmanian Honour Roll of Women, describing her as a groundbreaking political figure who was always ahead of her time, a trait that remains true today.
Quotes As put by Senator Nick McKim:
"She is a giant of the conservation movement and of the Greens."
"Christine has mentored many in our movement, including me. I will always be grateful for the time and wisdom she has shared with me."
"Her energy, foresight and intellect made her a formidable opponent for those who would destroy nature, and a staunch ally for those defending it."
"It is impossible to overstate Christine's contribution to our state, our country, and the Greens."
Quotes As put by Senator Peter Whish-Wilson:
"Christine has been a mentor and leader to myself and so many political activists around the country, I'm so thrilled she has been recognised by the Tasmanian honour role for women".
"I would not have gone into politics without Christine's inspiration and the example she set for all of us who care about protecting our natural world and the future generations on this planet".