Mine Water Breakthrough Fuels Green Heat Innovation

UK Gov

Construction has begun on a major mine water heat project in Seaham that uses a mine water treatment scheme to provide low-carbon heating to affordable homes.

Construction has officially begun on a landmark large-scale mine water heat project, building on our ongoing efforts to harness geothermal heat from disused coal mines.

By utilising water already being pumped to the surface, this project marks a crucial step forward in expanding renewable heat solutions across former coalfield areas.

The Energy Centre, being built next to the Mining Remediation Authority's Dawdon mine water treatment scheme in County Durham, will tap into the mine water already being treated there.

The mine treatment scheme will now provide heat for a new housing development as well as protecting a vital drinking water source.

Seaham Garden Village is a new mixed-use sustainable community located to the south of Seaham, comprising 1,500 homes, a new primary school, village centre and innovation hubs.

The mine water heating will provide power to 750 of the homes on the development, delivered by northern housing association Karbon Homes, in partnership with Esh Group.

The district heat network project has been led by Durham County Council, with the Mining Remediation Authority spearheading the development of the mine water heating initiative.

Multiple organisations have been involved including Karbon Homes, which is now set to provide 750 affordable homes on the site and has led the way in adopting the mine water heat technology.

Vital Energi has been appointed to design, build and operate the low-carbon system, and will run the district heat network for the next 40 years.

The project has benefited from a grant from the Government's Heat Networks Investment Project which has enabled the project to be delivered.

Seaham Garden Village will offer a thriving, sustainable new community on Durham's heritage coast and play a vital role in local growth.

The state-of-the-art Energy Centre will capture the geothermal heat from the warm mine water, which remains at a stable underground temperature.

This heat will be upgraded to domestic heating levels via a heat pump, delivering low-cost and low-carbon heat to new Karbon homes.

Graphic detailing how the Seaham Garden Village Mine Water Heat scheme will work.

Richard Bond, innovation and services director at the Mining Remediation Authority, said:

This scheme is a further milestone in our journey to harness mine water heat to provide sustainable heating solutions across the former coalfields.

There is huge potential to utilise our GB-wide water treatment facilities where warm mine water is already being pumped to the surface, and we're progressing opportunities in multiple regions.

The mine water heat scheme at Dawdon paves the way demonstrating a further route for mine water to provide low-carbon heat, building on the success of schemes in Gateshead and at Lanchester Wines.

The Dawdon scheme began treating mine water in 2009 and the Mining Remediation Authority has been researching the possibility of 'bolting on' the heat feature to these treatment sites as part of their pioneering work in the geothermal arena.

This new development follows the success of the Gateshead scheme, the UK's first large-scale mine water heat network, which began providing heat to homes and businesses in March 2023, as well as another pioneering privately funded scheme nearby at Lanchester Wines warehouses.

Unlike Seaham Garden Village, the Gateshead projects used boreholes, which were drilled up to 150 metres underground to tap into water in disused mines.

Mr Bond added:

With more than 80 mine water treatment schemes across the UK, we see great potential to deliver dual-purpose facilities that protect water supplies and generate renewable heat.

Whether accessing mine water heat via our treatment schemes or boreholes, the Mining Remediation Authority are proud to offer innovative ways to reduce carbon emissions by repurposing the amazing UK coal-mining heritage.

Councillor Mark Wilkes, Durham County Council's cabinet member for neighbourhoods and climate change, said:

We are delighted to have started work on what will be the UK's first large-scale mine water heat project that uses a mine water treatment scheme, right here in County Durham.

This innovative project will have significant environmental benefits - making use of currently untapped heat to keep houses warm, and potentially a school and innovation hubs, and in doing so avoiding the need to use non-renewable sources of energy.

The affordable properties will also provide a welcome boost to county residents looking to get on the housing ladder, while the prospect of more homes, a school and innovation hubs in the future will attract people looking for somewhere to live, families and those seeking work.

A lot of planning has gone into this in recent years involving a number of organisations and it's therefore really exciting to have all the necessary agreements in place and work starting on the ground.

Paul Fiddaman, chief executive at Karbon Homes, said:

Our involvement in the delivery of Seaham Garden Village shows our commitment to investing in the area, working with our delivery partner Esh Group to build new affordable homes that help meet local housing need.

With further commitments to ensuring the homes we build are of the highest quality and energy efficiency, it's fantastic to partner with Durham County Council and the Mining Remediation Authority to connect our homes to this innovative low carbon heat system, one of the first of its kind in the country.

Paired with boasting a range of energy efficiency technologies, like solar PV panels, these homes will be well on the way to net zero.

The new homes from Karbon are part-funded by Homes England through the housing association's strategic partnership with the government's housing delivery agency, which has provided Karbon with £165 million in funding, to deliver 2,200 new affordable homes across the North East and Yorkshire over the next few years.

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