Minimum Wage and Living Wage Rates Increased

UK Gov

This change is another step towards creating a genuine living wage that supports millions of families across the country.

The National Minimum and National Living wage are going up.

From April 1, those on the National Living Wage will get a payday boost worth £1,400 a year.

For an eligible full-time worker that's around £25 a week or £100 a month.

If you're a full-time worker on the National Minimum Wage, your pay could be boosted by £2,500 a year.

You'll get it whether you're in a full-time, part-time, or temporary role and the amount you'll receive will depend on your age or if you're an apprentice.

This change is another step towards creating a genuine living wage that supports millions of families across the country.

If you're an employee

You don't need to do anything, but it's worth checking your payslip to make sure you're receiving this pay increase if it applies to you.

You can search 'check your pay' [*] f

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