The Australian Government's announcement that the Boosting Apprenticeship Commencements program will be extended for 12 months is a significant boost for skills across Australia and great news for Australia's mining regions.
Mining is already supporting jobs and regional economies in their time of need - including the employment of 8,836 apprentices and trainees - and more apprentices are needed to help create the future minerals workforce to meet growing demand for Australia's world-class commodities.
Recent National Centre for Vocational Education Research figures show that while apprenticeships across all industries were down 11 per cent, the mining industry only experienced a 1.41 per cent decrease.
The broader Australian minerals industry is creating more than 5000 apprenticeships working in partnership with the Australian Government through the Mining Skills Organisation Pilot to modernise timely and efficient training of skilled tradespeople for faster outcomes with an initial focus on diesel mobile plant mechanics, an identified pressure point within the industry.
Boosting Apprenticeship Commencements provides a 50 per cent wage subsidy to support businesses who employ new and recommencing apprentices and trainees by 30 September 2021.
The success of Australia's resources sector and its ability to keep backing Australia's regional communities depends on a highly skilled workforce which includes traditional and emerging trades.