Today, the Honourable Marie-Claude Bibeau, Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, announced the names of the youth who will form the new Canadian Agricultural Youth Council. The 25 young people were chosen from more than 800 applications received, representing a diverse mix of subsectors from across the agriculture and agri-food sector, as well as from every province and the North.
Young Canadians are dynamic, engaged and passionate about the future of the agriculture and agri-food sector, and giving them a voice at the table is an important commitment of the Government of Canada.
As a consultative body to Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, the Canadian Agricultural Youth Council will have the opportunity to offer suggestions on Government priorities, as well as identify problems and propose solutions on issues that matter most to them, all while developing leadership skills and building professional relationships.
Council members will provide their insights on a variety of topics, which could include: how the sector is adapting to COVID-19, business risk management programs, sustainable agriculture, market diversification, skills and labour, intergenerational farm transfers, and mental health. The Council will meet multiple times annually, with a virtual inaugural meeting planned for August 2020.
The Government of Canada is committed to engaging with youth and has announced a number of measures, including the Canada Summer Jobs program and the Youth Employment and Skills Program, to ensure young Canadians have the support and tools they need to thrive.
See the full list of the Canadian Agricultural Youth Council members.
"I'm looking forward to virtually meeting the members of the first-ever Canadian Agricultural Youth Council. Each of these young leaders will bring a unique experience and perspective to the table. Together, the members will help shape the future of Canada's sustainable agricultural industry."
- The Honourable Marie-Claude Bibeau, Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food
"I am proud to lend my support to this announcement of the members of the Canadian Agricultural Youth Council. These 25 young Canadians will be integral to keeping an open and ongoing dialogue on challenges and opportunities for Canada's agricultural sector. Our Government is committed to including youth voices in decision making, and encouraging business development among the next generation of young entrepreneurs."
- The Honourable Bardish Chagger, Minister of Diversity and Inclusion and Youth
Quick facts
Over 800 people applied to be on the Canadian Agricultural Youth Council.
Youth who applied and were not selected may be contacted to participate in other fora with the Minister and the Department in the future.
The application process included a series of questions on each candidate's experience in the agriculture and agri-food sector, a short essay on a significant issue facing youth in the sector and how they proposed to address it.
The inaugural virtual meeting of the Council will take place in August 2020.
On July 23, the Minister announced that approximately 800 new positions are expected to be created through the Youth Employment and Skills Program, created to help the agriculture industry attract Canadian youth, ages 15 to 30, to their organizations to assist with labour shortages brought on by the pandemic.