Minister Duguid's Statement on World Water Day

Canada Water Agency

"On this World Water Day, we reaffirm our commitment to protecting Canada's fresh water.

Canada is home to 20 percent of the world's freshwater reserves, including millions of lakes and rivers. From coast to coast to coast, water is fundamental to our economy, communities, and environment. It is also an integral part of Canada's identity.

Yet fresh water in Canada is under increasing pressure from climate change, pollution, and other threats.

Canadians expect strong leadership to protect fresh water - and we are delivering. Last year, we created the Canada Water Agency to protect this vital resource and ensure safe, clean, and well-managed water for future generations. Canada is making historic investments and building partnerships with provinces and territories, Indigenous partners, academia, and industry to strengthen freshwater management, protection, and stewardship.

Canadians expect strong leadership on water, and we are delivering. From safeguarding critical freshwater ecosystems like the Great Lakes and Lake Winnipeg to implementing nature-based solutions that protect our water sources, we are working to build a more secure water future.

The theme for this year's World Water Day-Glacier Preservation-highlights an urgent challenge: the rapid loss of glaciers due to climate change. In Canada, glaciers feed major rivers, regulate water supplies, and support biodiversity. The alarming decrease of glaciers is already impacting affecting drinking water supplies, agriculture, hydropower, and Indigenous ways of life. While we work to protect freshwater, we must also acknowledge the growing impacts of glacier loss.

On this World Water Day, I encourage all Canadians to reflect on the importance of preserving our water and take steps-big or small-to reduce their water consumption. Our natural resources make Canada strong. Standing up for our water is standing up for Canada, and by protecting it, we protect our future."

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