Minister Hajdu Extends Inuit Child First Initiative

Indigenous Services Canada

The Minister of Indigenous Services, Patty Hajdu, issued the following statement today:

"I am pleased to confirm that the Government of Canada has renewed funding for the Inuit Child First Initiative, allocating an additional $121.7 million of funding to extend the Inuit Child First Initiative until March 31, 2026. This will support ongoing service delivery in the interim while Canada and Inuit Partners move forward on the co-development of a long-term approach for Inuit children.

The Government of Canada has committed $509.2 million since 2019 to the Inuit Child First Initiative.

  • An initial $220 million over five years was announced, beginning in 2019, to address the immediate needs of Inuit children and to continue working with Inuit partners to improve local capacity to deliver services.
  • An additional $167.5 million over two years, starting in 2023-2024, was announced in 2024.
  • An additional $121.7 million for 2025-2026.

We are committed to the long-term co-development process with Inuit Partners. Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) and Inuit leadership have made significant progress to date on the co-development of a shared responsibility model and a National Framework, while maintaining support through interim regional approaches in a manner directed by Inuit leadership and Canada. This ensures that current funding aligns with addressing the unmet needs of Inuit children while work continues to co-develop a long-term Inuit-specific approach.

ISC continues to accept new requests for products, services and supports through the Inuit Child First Initiative. Each new request is being considered on a case-by-case basis, taking into account the distinct needs of the child and gaps in other programs or services.

This is an important step in the work we are doing collaboratively, and our shared priority is to make sure that Inuit children can access the products, services and supports they need.

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