Minister Kamal Khera Speaks on Canadian Multiculturalism Day

Canadian Heritage

Today, we mark Canadian Multiculturalism Day, a celebratory occasion to honour the many diverse individuals and communities from around the world that call Canada home.

Our country's collective identity is rooted in the recognition that our many languages, traditions and beliefs enrich our social fabric. In fact, Canada was the first country in the world to adopt multiculturalism as an official policy in 1971, and further committed to this value by enshrining it in law through the Canadian Multiculturalism Act in 1988.

Our government remains steadfast in our commitment to combatting systemic racism and discrimination through policies such as our recently announced Anti-Racism Strategy. The strategy reflects our unwavering efforts to dismantle all forms of inequalities in order to build a more equitable Canada for its entire population.

This day is an opportunity to celebrate the variety of cultures that strengthen us collectively and to reaffirm our dedication to equity, and inclusion. As Minister of Diversity, Inclusion, and Persons with Disabilities, I encourage all Canadians to participate in the wide range of Multiculturalism Day activities taking place in your communities.

Happy Multiculturalism Day!

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