21 February 2025
Ministers responsible for veterans' issues at the Federal, State and Territory levels met today to discuss key priorities and next steps following the Government's response to Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide.
Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide
In December 2024 the Government responded to the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide's final report. Recommendation 122 of the report recommended the establishment of an independent body that would oversee system reform across the defence ecosystem.
Noting the urgency of this recommendation, the Australian Parliament passed the historic Veterans' Entitlements, Treatment and Support (Simplification and Harmonisation) Act 2024 (the VETS Act), establishing the Commission on 13 February 2025.
In January the Albanese Government appointed Mr Michael Manthorpe PSM to the role of Interim Head of the Defence and Veterans' Service Commission and today Mr Manthope briefed Ministers on its work.
Ministers reinforced their commitment to collaborate across the Commonwealth on the implementation of relevant recommendations of the Royal Commission.
Legislation Reform
Following the Parliament's recent passing of the VETS Act, the Council was advised that the Department of Veterans' Affairs is now working towards implementation. It has developed a communication and education plan, including a roadshow commencing next week, to make the veteran community aware of the changes and how they might be impacted when the Act takes effect as follows:
- New unified appeal process using the Veterans' Review Board from 21 April 2025;
- Statutory Defence & Veteran Service Commission from 29 September 2025; and
- All claims being processed through a single enhanced statutory regime from 1 July 2026.
Veterans' Acute Housing Program
Ministers were briefed on the $30 million in grant funding recently awarded by the Australian Government under the Capital Works Grant and Specialist Services Grant streams of the Veterans' Acute Housing Program. A total of 8 grants were awarded under the $24 million Capital Works Grant for the construction or purchase of crisis and transitional housing for veterans and families. A further 5 grants were awarded under the $6 million Specialist Services Grant to assist organisations to deliver wrap-around services to address the risk factors for homelessness. Ministers welcomed the funding to assist those in the veteran community who are experiencing, or are at risk of, homelessness.
Ministerial attendees
- Australian Government (Chair): The Hon Matt Keogh MP
- Australian Capital Territory: Suzanne Orr MLA
- New South Wales: The Hon David Harris MP
- Northern Territory: The Hon Jinson Charls MLA
- Queensland: Janelle Poole MP
- South Australia: The Hon Joe Szakacs MP
- Tasmania: The Hon Jacquie Petrusma MP
- Victoria: The Hon Natalie Suleyman MP
- Western Australia: Due to the WA State election, WA was represented by officials.