Minister Keogh Urges Creativity for Anzac Day Awards

Department of Veterans' Affairs

Get creative for the anzac day schools' awards

110 years on from the landings at Gallipoli, school students are being encouraged to get creative in learning about and retelling the inspiring stories of those who have served Australia in wars, conflicts and peace operations.

Entries are now open for the 2025 Anzac Day Schools' Awards, a national competition where students, teachers and schools are asked to connect with veterans or current serving personnel to learn about Australia's military history, then present their learnings in an innovative and meaningful way.

This year, the theme is Remembering Gallipoli: 110 years. On 25 April 1915, thousands of young men of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) stormed the beaches of Gallipoli in Türkiye.

While the campaign was ultimately a military defeat, the battles fought at Gallipoli and the courage, loyalty, endurance, selflessness and mateship displayed by the original Anzacs, were formative in the development of Australia's national identity.

Entries for the Awards must relate directly to the theme but can take any form, including music, videos and podcasts, artwork and design, dance, drama or even gardens – the sky really is the limit!

Winning schools will share in $39,000 of prize money and have their entries showcased on the Winners of Anzac Day Schools' Awards page of DVA's Anzac Portal.

Entries close at 5:00 pm AEST on 29 May 2025 and should be submitted online via the Anzac Portal.

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