Minister MacAulay Allocates $2M+ to Boost Canadian Organic Sector

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

The organic industry is one of the fastest growing sectors in Canada. Organic farming techniques can help improve soil health, promote biodiversity, and boost farm resilience in the face of climate change.

Today, to mark the 15th anniversary of the Canada Organic Regime, the Honourable Lawrence MacAulay, Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, announced an investment of more than $2 million to 2 organizations through the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership.

The Canada Organic Trade Association is receiving up to $1,175,841 over 3 years, under the AgriMarketing Program, to facilitate the growth of an innovative and profitable organic sector by resolving market access issues, ensuring Canadian organic products are competitive, building export capacity, and developing domestic opportunities. Activities include incoming and outgoing trade missions, international trade shows, technical training, and marketing campaigns.

The Prairie Organic Development Fund is receiving up to $985,985 over 3 years, under the AgriCompetitiveness Program, to advance the organic sector in Canada by building evidence for organics through data aggregation and benchmarking, growing organic supply and leadership through education, tools, and skill-building, and strengthening public trust in Canadian organics.

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