Minister Miller Touts 2024 Budget Boost for Local Arts, Generational Fairness

Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada

Growing communities need more infrastructure. Community facilities, like libraries and cultural and recreation centres, are essential spaces where Canadians can come together as neighbours. That is why, as part of Budget 2024, the federal government committed to investing in cities and towns across the country.

Today in Montréal, the Honourable Marc Miller, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, announced that the federal government will invest $31 million over two years for the Canada Arts Presentation Fund-$800,000 of this funding will support TOHU, a performing arts theatre in Montréal, and the stunning circus programs of the Festival Montréal Complètement Cirque.

The festival will allow everyone to experience the circus and celebrate the sights and sounds of Montréal, a global hub for circus arts. For 11 days, venues, streets, parks and even sidewalks will become stages for high-flying performers from Montréal and around the world. Not only does this investment support our local artists, but it also creates jobs, drives tourism and brings our communities together to enjoy the vibrant Montréal arts and culture scene.

This is on top of investments in Budget 2024 that will make our communities safer and healthier places to live, work and raise a family. Budget 2024 is also making Canada's tax system fairer for every generation by reducing the capital gains tax advantage, so we can afford to build 4 million more homes, make contraception and diabetes medications free, give every Canadian access to dental care, deliver $10-a-day child care and more. This is about building a fairer Canada where every generation can get ahead.

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