Minister Ng Holds Meeting with Ukrainian Prime Minister

Global Affairs Canada

The Honourable Mary Ng, Minister of Export Promotion, International Trade and Economic Development, met with the Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal on June 26, 2024, to discuss continued collaboration between Canada and Ukraine and bilateral trade in the context of Ukraine's reconstruction.

The meeting underscored Canada's commitment to strengthening ties with Ukraine and supporting its sovereignty and economic development. Minister Ng and Prime Minister Shmyhal expressed their shared enthusiasm for the upcoming entry into force of the modernized Canada Ukraine Free Trade Agreement on July 1, 2024. The modernized agreement will maintain preferential market access from the 2017 agreement while adding new elements to increase opportunities for traditionally marginalized groups in trade.

Minister Ng reiterated Canada's unwavering support for Ukraine in its fight against Russia's illegal war of aggression. As a result of the unacceptable attacks on energy infrastructure, the economy is greatly impacted by the ongoing war. Minister Ng also commended Ukraine for its economic resilience and expressed her readiness to facilitate the participation of Canadian businesses in Ukraine's reconstruction and rebuilding efforts.

In closing, Minister Ng and Prime Minister Shmyhal spoke about how the private sector's involvement is crucial to making Ukraine's reconstruction a success. The Ukraine Recovery Conference, held in June 2024 in Berlin, Germany, facilitated the dialogue on rebuilding Ukraine. It is also where Canada announced the appointment of Roman Dubczak to the newly established Business Advisory Council. Comprising industry leaders from G7 countries, the council will boost trade and investment in support of Ukraine's recovery, reconstruction and growth.

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