Minister Ng Meets Mining Leaders at PDAC Convention

Global Affairs Canada

The Honourable Mary Ng, Minister of Export Promotion, International Trade and Economic Development, today attended the annual convention of the Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada (PDAC) to talk trade, investment, and sustainability.

While at the convention, Minister Ng was joined by the Honourable Ahmed Hussen, Minister of International Development, to meet with senior mining industry representatives, including members of the Mining Association of Canada, to discuss trade diversification; the green economy; environmental, social and governance leadership; responsible business conduct; resilient supply chains; and diversity and inclusion in the Canadian mining sector.

The Minister also took the opportunity to attend the PDAC trade show, engaging with representatives of innovative small and medium-sized enterprises, including mining supply companies, to hear their perspectives.

Minister Ng met with senior representatives of BHP and discussed the new $14-billion Jansen Potash Mine project, east of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, which is set to go into production next year. The Jansen mine is poised to become the world's largest potash mine. They also talked about additional investment opportunities in the mining sector, including in critical minerals. She also spoke with the Vice-President, Corporate Affairs, at gold producer Calibre Mining Corp., about the company's production and exploration operations, including in the United States and Nicaragua.

Minister Ng also had the opportunity to meet with senior executives from the Philippine delegation to PDAC, including the Executive Director of the Philippine Board of Investment, with whom she underscored the benefits of partnerships in the mining sector.

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