Minister Ng Preps Ukraine for Modernized Trade Deal Launch

Global Affairs Canada

Yesterday, the Honourable Mary Ng, Minister of Export Promotion, International Trade and Economic Development, concluded a 2-day visit to Ukraine, joined by a Canadian business delegation.

During her trip, the Minister met with Denys Shmyhal, Ukraine's Prime Minister, and Yuliia Svyrydenko, Ukraine's First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy, to gain a deeper understanding of the country's current priorities and challenges. At a round table meeting, Minister Ng and the Canadian business delegation engaged with Ukrainian business leaders to discuss opportunities to support Ukraine in its reconstruction efforts.

Throughout her visit, the Minister reaffirmed Canada's military, economic and political support in the fight against Russia's illegal war of aggression. She expressed her concern about Russia's targeting of critical energy infrastructure and saw first-hand the damage inflicted on a combined heat and power plant during a recent missile attack. Ukraine's economic recovery needs will be significant, and the private sector's involvement will be crucial to Ukraine's successful reconstruction.

Minister Ng and Prime Minister Shmyhal both celebrated the upcoming entry into force of the modernized Canada-Ukraine Free Trade Agreement (CUFTA) on July 1, 2024. The modernized CUFTA will benefit the 2 countries by enhancing trade, increasing economic cooperation and supporting Ukraine's financial reform and efforts to rebuild.

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