Minister Urged to Reverse Oranga Tamariki Cuts

The PSA urges Children's Minister Karen Chhour to reverse all the damaging cuts to community service contracts, and to Oranga Tamariki, in the wake of her u-turn today on funding Barnardos.

The backflip follows revelations that Barnardos' youth telehealth counselling service was at risk of closing in July along with other services supporting vulnerable families. This followed funding cuts by Oranga Tamariki under the Government's austerity drive.

"This backflip shows how rushed and reckless her original decision was to order Oranga Tamariki to cut contracts for dozens of community service providers across Aotearoa," said Duane Leo, National Secretary for the Public Service Association for Te Pūkenga Here Tikanga Mahi.

"The PSA calls on the Minister to urgently reverse all the cuts - reinstate the contracts that have been axed and restore the funding to existing contacts that were cut - before lasting damage is done to families.

"She must also reverse the cuts to Oranga Tamariki which has seen 419 jobs axed, nearly 10% of the workforce.

"Last year the Minister accused charities of abusing their contracts with Oranga Tamariki, claiming they had become 'cash cows' through the contracts - this was offensive, disrespecting the vital work they do.

"The Minister has tried to wash her hands of these cuts, calling them 'operational matters' for Oranga Tamariki, but now that the reality is hitting home, the Minister needs to do the right thing.

"She knows New Zealanders are increasingly alarmed by the cuts.

"The Government promised its cuts would not impact frontline services. The Minister's u-turn over the Barnardos' contract shows the Government slowly realising it can no longer get away with this spin."

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