The Ministers' Deputies will discuss youth democratic participation in the digital age during an informal meeting on 22 January aimed at better understanding new trends.
The challenges around digital influencing
The digital age has radically transformed the way in which young people participate in democracy. Access to news and political information now takes place through streaming platforms and social media. Politicians use these channels to encourage young people to become involved and vote, while political interviews are now often conducted by influencers.
New technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and social media are having a growing impact on all sections of society, raising many questions. While these tools help young people to explore, learn and develop political awareness, they also pose significant challenges. These include the spread of hate speech, disinformation, cyberbullying and foreign interference in elections. These trends are major challenges for today's young people and future generations.
The issue of influence is also central to the debate about youth participation. While emotion and trust provide the foundations for digital communities, this raises questions about engagement techniques and the challenges of emotive politics.
2025 European Year of Digital Citizenship Education
It is against this background that the Council of Europe Ministers of Education have declared 2025 European Year of Digital Citizenship Education. The aim here is to promote better understanding and greater participation by young people in democratic life in the digital age.
Youth engagement: a priority for the Council of Europe
It is young people who shape today's society and tomorrow's. It is vital to understand their codes and their communication channels in order to promote the Council of Europe's values among these young citizens. The Luxembourg Presidency of the Committee of Ministers has made democratic participation by young people at all levels - local, national and international - one of its priorities, thereby helping to strengthen the rule of law and democracy.
Link to live broadcast (from 3.30 pm on 22 January)