The Minns Labor Government will bring the management of Parklea Correctional Centre back into public hands in one of the largest de-privatisation moves in NSW history, further delivering on its commitment to publicly-owned assets, and to providing secure jobs and long-term career opportunities for working people.
The decision to return the management of this vital service to the public sector will secure over 400 well-paid public sector jobs for workers in Western Sydney.
The 1,576-bed facility at Parklea is Sydney's second-largest remand centre and has been managed by MTC Australia (previously MTC Broadspectrum) since 2018, with its existing contract expiring in March 2026.
The contract will be extended by six months, to allow sufficient time for the transition to occur in October 2026.
Parklea will become the second NSW prison to return to public ownership after Corrective Services NSW takes over the management of Junee Correctional Centre on 1 April 2025, following a 16-month transition.
The NSW public sector is currently responsible for around 10,000 inmates across 31 prisons.
Corrective Services NSW and Justice Health will work with MTC, current employees, the Public Service Association of NSW, as well as the local community, as part of the transition.
A Corrective Services NSW transition team will be established to provide timely updates and additional support to current staff throughout the transition period.
Quotes attributable to NSW Premier Chris Minns:
"We began bringing Junee Correctional Centre back into public hands in 2023, and today, we take the first step in making Parklea public again.
"Frontline staff who work at Parklea Correctional Centre today will have a job at Parklea - regardless of the changes.
"We told voters at the last election that we opposed privatisation, and we are again delivering on that promise today.
"This is a win for hundreds of essential workers in Western Sydney as we rebuild essential services for NSW."
Quotes attributable to Minister for Corrections Anoulack Chanthivong:
"The Minns Labor Government was elected with a clear mandate to ensure publicly owned assets remain in public hands, and returning Parklea to the public sector is a clear response to this mandate.
"Unlike private management, the Corrective Services NSW's operating model is not based on a profit motive, it's based on the objective to reduce reoffending following release from prison, which focuses on rehabilitation, education, and safe reintegration into the community.
"Due to the hard work Corrective Services NSW has done to bring the Junee Correctional Centre back into public ownership, we now have a blueprint for success that we'll follow closely to ensure a smooth transition for Parklea Correctional Centre to transition back into the public sector.
"By bringing Junee and Parklea Correctional Centres back into public hands, we're delivering better value for NSW taxpayers and improving outcomes for workers, inmates, and the community."
Quotes attributable to Minister for Industrial Relations Sophie Cotsis:
"This decision has been a long time coming and I welcome the Parklea Correctional Centre's move back into public hands.
"We will work to support a smooth transition of staff employment arrangements into the public operated facility."
Quotes attributable to Corrective Services NSW Acting Commissioner Leon Taylor:
"Corrective Services NSW will work with MTC and other stakeholders through this period of change with as minimal impact on day-to-day operations as possible.
"We look forward to Parklea Correctional Centre being safely back in public hands, which will provide secure jobs and career opportunities for our hardworking frontline Corrective Services NSW staff."