Mitchell Shire Council Launches Listening Tour

Mitchell Shire Council is hitting the road with a Listening Tour to give residents the opportunity to ask questions, raise concerns, and engage directly with Councillors and Council officers.

From roads and waste to planning and growth, the Listening Tour will focus on the issues that matter most to the community. These sessions will also provide an opportunity to learn more about council services, projects, and decision-making processes.

The Listening Tour is a chance for people to engage directly with their representatives and have meaningful conversations about local priorities.

To ensure all areas of the community are reached, Council is hosting one session in each Ward:

  • 12 March, 5-7pm, Greater Beveridge Community Centre (South Ward)
  • 27 March, 5-7pm, Kilmore Customer and Library Service Centre (Central Ward)
  • 1 April, 5-7pm, Seymour Sports and Aquatic Centre (North Ward)

What to Expect

At each session, you'll have the chance to:

  • Meet your new councillors and hear about their priorities
  • Speak with council officers about key services and projects
  • Ask questions and raise concerns about roads, waste, planning, and more
  • Learn more about council processes and how decisions are made

By holding face-to-face discussions in each ward, the tour aims to strengthen connections between Council and the community, ensuring that all residents have access to clear information and open conversations about local priorities.

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