Mittagong Swimming Pool has sustained further damage following this month's heavy rainfalls.
The pool had been closed since the 2021 flooding event and had not been operational over the current swim season.
Council's Acting Manager Infrastructure Services Greg Bray said tonnes of debris and sediment had been washed into the pools from the recent deluge.
The full costings of the latest damage will be evaluated once the flood waters and mud have been cleared and the pool-lining inspected.
Mittagong Swimming Pool had been closed since mid-2021 following a decision from Council's Interim Administrator Mr Viv May.
In August 2021 Mr May said the closure would enable Council staff to undertake consultation to gauge community sentiment and ascertain the future of the pool.
Mr May expressed concern about the significant cost of repairing the pool after each flood event.
"It's important that Council provide the community with a facility that isn't continually interrupted or closed," he said at the time.
Mittagong Swimming Pool was originally built on the bed of the Nattai River by the Shire's forefathers.
The Council report tabled on Wednesday 28 July 2021 showed the pool had been closed five times for major repairs or refurbishment as a result of flood damage since 2014. Repairs for these closures have cost $6.1 million to date.
Mr May suggested that before the future of the pool was decided a Shire-wide Community and Recreational Facilities Strategy and Community Precinct Masterplan for Mittagong be prepared and presented to residents for comment.
"Together these documents will help the incoming determining body make an educated decision about the future of the pool that will be in the best interests of all residents and pool users," he said.
Council's Community and Recreational Facilities Strategy is expected to be completed by August 2022.