Mobile Coverage At Regional Surf Beaches Set To Expand

  • Cook Labor Government committed to improving safety at regional beaches
  • Expansion of mobile coverage at 35 regional beaches

Regional Development Minister Don Punch has announced the Cook Labor Government is boosting mobile coverage at regional surf beaches, with a provider appointed to upgrade telecommunications infrastructure at popular locations along the coast of Western Australia.

Powertec Telecommunications will deliver repeater infrastructure to 35 beaches around the coastline from the Kimberley to Esperance, under round two of the Surf Beaches Mobile Coverage Grants Program.

The Cook Government has committed $2 million under this second round, to provide better mobile coverage to regional and remote beaches used by tourists and locals for swimming, surfing, camping, fishing, snorkelling and other recreational activities.

It will improve coverage at key sites with poor or no mobile coverage which have been identified by the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development in consultation with Surfing WA, regional development commissions, the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, and local governments.

Many of the selected locations are already equipped with beach emergency number signs, which combined with improved mobile coverage will allow for faster and more effective communication during an incident.

Work is expected to commence in the second half of this year.

Grant funding under the program's inaugural round was awarded by the State Government in 2023 to deliver mobile repeaters at 20 popular surf beaches. Installation at these beaches is underway.

Comments attributed to Regional Development Minister Don Punch:

"The Surf Beaches Mobile Coverage Grants Program is a significant initiative for regional Western Australia, expanding mobile coverage at some of our most remote but popular beach locations.

"Investing in upgrades to telecommunications infrastructure through this initiative supports our regional communities and helps to keep Western Australians safe at the beach.

"Across both rounds, improved mobile coverage will be delivered to a total of 55 beaches to support local beachgoers, regional communities, emergency responders and visitors."

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