Modern, Inclusive Sports Facilities Rise at Mark Taylor Oval

Hornsby Shire Council

group with shovels

Work to build a new pavilion and updated grandstand at Mark Taylor Oval, Waitara, reached an exciting new milestone yesterday as Northern District Cricket Club broke ground on the new grant funded facility.

Work to build a new pavilion and updated grandstand at Mark Taylor Oval, Waitara, reached an exciting new milestone yesterday as Northern District Cricket Club broke ground on the new grant funded facility.

The updated grandstand will feature lockable changing rooms and showers, which can be used by men and women's cricket and rugby teams. This development marks a significant step towards increasing female participation in traditionally male-dominated sports, ensuring that all genders, as well as cultural and social needs are catered for.

group with shovels

The new, modern pavilion will also include a canteen, a club/community room, a scorer's room, storage areas, and public toilets, with the existing toilet block being converted into storage.

The work currently underway is the third and final stage of a major upgrade of the oval to improve sports and community facilities. The NSW Government has contributed $9 million in funding for the upgrading of sporting facilities at Waitara Park, which also included an indoor cricket centre and the reconstruction of the oval playing surface.

In addition, Cricket NSW and Cricket Australia contributed $200,000 to the project and Council contributed funds towards the oval upgrade to increase its capacity for use by the wider community.

Hornsby Shire Mayor Warren Waddell said the new pavilion and updated grandstand would be a major benefit to local sport.

group with shovels

"In particular, these upgrades address the increase of female participation and the shortcomings of existing facilities. Hornsby Shire Council recognises the importance of community sport generally and the role it plays in the health and wellbeing of our residents," said Mayor Waddell.

Jeremy Hook, President of the Northern District Cricket Club, talked about what the new pavilion meant to the club.

"The new and refurbished facilities will enhance the sporting experience for women, men and all-abilities users, while also creating a better environment for park users and spectators. With Northern District Cricket Club celebrating its centenary this year, the timing couldn't be better. We extend our gratitude to the NSW government and local members, Cricket NSW, and Hornsby Shire Council for funding assistance and collaboration to make the project a reality."

 Oval pavilion, grandstand and storage mock design

Member for Wahroonga, Alister Henskens SC MP said, "The third and final stage of the Mark Taylor Oval upgrades will significantly transform the facilities for our community. This stage of the $9 million investment from the previous NSW Liberal National Government will include female friendly and accessible facilities for our entire community to use, and ensure we are seen as a cricketing centre of excellence."

State MP for Hornsby, James Wallace MP, reflected on the value of the precinct.

"The new pavilion will be an incredible capstone on the Mark Taylor Oval Precinct. It will be a great place to watch the cricket and the rugby, as well as providing new bathroom and change room facilities for female players," Mr Wallace said.

The Mark Taylor Oval pavilion is expected to be completed for the 2025/26 summer cricket season.

Oval pavilion mock design

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