Modern Planning System For WA To Boost Housing Supply

  • Cook Labor Government leading the way on National Planning Reform Blueprint
  • Streamlined planning processes support housing supply and remove unnecessary barriers to timely approvals
  • More development proposals eligible for assessment through reformed DAP system
  • New pathway for significant development proposals opens for business
  • New website a one-stop shop about planning in WA, with secure portal for lodgement and tracking of applications

Major nation-leading planning reforms that cut unnecessary red tape to streamline and accelerate the delivery of housing throughout Western Australia come into effect today, 1 March, 2024.

The improved planning system will benefit thousands of landowners and applicants each year, with the latest tranche of planning reforms including:

  • Reforms to Development Assessment Panels (DAPs) with the new Metro Inner, Metro Outer, and Regional DAPs now operational;
  • The new Significant Development Pathway (SDP) now operational;
  • Projects valued at $20 million or more in the Perth metropolitan area and Peel region and $5 million or more in regional areas able to be lodged with the Western Australian Planning Commission for determination;

A new online system for lodgement and tracking of applications, and;

  • A new user-friendly website available to help community members, applicants, and stakeholders navigate and understand State planning processes.

Streamlined approval pathways through amendments to existing legislative and regulatory provisions will support the delivery of more diverse housing across a range of areas and address barriers to the timely issuing of development approvals.

The new permanent SDP is now open for business, replacing the temporary Part 17 pathway established in 2020 to support the COVID-19 economic recovery.

The SDP is supported by proactive case management of referrals to State agencies through the new State Referral Coordination Unit and a timeframe for a decision of 120 days.

Local governments will continue to provide input through the referral process and the community can have their say on applications during the public consultation process.

With the removal of mandatory thresholds, the DAP pathway is now entirely opt-in for most development proposals worth over $2 million and community housing projects of any value.

One of three newly formed DAPs - Metro Inner, Metro Outer and Regional - will determine the applications, retaining enhanced expertise and consistency in decision-making and a balance between technical advice and local knowledge.

These reforms are the result of the Planning and Development Amendment Act 2023 which was passed by Parliament last year, and remaining parts of the Planning and Development Amendment Act 2020.

Six sets of amended or new regulations will further embed these reform measures, ensuring consistency across the sector and providing necessary guidance to regulators and decision-makers.

The launch of a website today has coincided with these changes to help community members, applicants, and stakeholders understand planning processes, and simplifying lodgement and tracking of applications.

These reforms will be followed by the revised Residential Design Codes Volume 1, which will be published on 8 March, 2024 and take effect in early April 2024 with a 24-month transition period.

Changes to the Western Australian Planning Commission are also underway in readiness for a reformed Commission to be in place from 1 July, 2024.

Also from 1 July, development applications involving single houses and any associated development, except where heritage is involved, must be determined by the chief executive officer or authorised local government employee and will no longer be referred to or 'called in' by elected members for determination.

More information on each of these planning reforms is available at

As stated by Planning Minister John Carey:

"The Cook Labor Government continues to lead the nation in driving planning reforms and cutting unnecessary red tape to accelerate the delivery of housing in Western Australia.

"Today marks a significant milestone in our reform agenda to create a modern planning system and complements our record $2.6 billion investment in housing and homelessness measures, helping to boost housing supply across the State.

"These reforms provide a choice of assessment pathway, including for community housing projects and medium and high-density developments in strategic and infill locations.

"From today, most development applications can be lodged either with the local government authority or through the Development Assessment Panel (DAP) system.

"For larger projects, the new permanent significant development pathway introduces a 120-day timeframe for determination of eligible applications by the WAPC.

"Importantly, the reforms - including a new website and lodgement portal - bring greater clarity to the planning system, making it easier for all users to navigate and understand.

"We have listened to community feedback and reduced the number of DAPs, changed the appointment of panel members, and introduced a fixed meeting schedule and live streaming of meetings which will offer greater transparency."

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