Australians for Constitutional Monarchy
Desperate republicans are now planning to rig the question in any republic referendum or plebiscite. ( Sunday Telegraph )
You'll be asked whether Australia should have an Australian as head of state.
You certainly won't be asked whether you want some politicians' republic.
And you won't be asked whether the Flag should be shredded.
"I shall be advising Australians who want to keep the constitution and the flag to vote YES in any plebiscite with these questions. We have long had an Australian as Head of State, the Governor-General, " said Professor David Flint, ACM's National Convenor.
Flint is doing what his predecessor Justice Lloyd Waddy did when the then Prime Minister Paul Keating tried to pull the same stunt
Even Malcolm Turnbull is on record agreeing to the fact that the Governor-General is the Australian head of state.
Experts in constitutional and international law agree. The G-G is head of state.
Every government, Coalition or Labor, tells the world this.
We have in fact the best of both worlds.
The Governor-General is head of state, the Queen is the sovereign.
In any referendum/plebiscite just declaring the G-G head of state, informed Australians should vote YES.
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