Employers, unions and health and safety advocates are calling for engineered stone to be banned, a day before consultation on regulations closes. On Friday the PSA lodged a pay equity claim for library assistants with the Employment Relations Authority, after the stalling of a claim lodged with six councils in 2019. A handful of Manawatū's retired unionists are hoping to formalise their organisation, the Retired Unionists' Movement - the impetus being the NZCTU's Fight Back Together campaign.
Union coverage
- PSA: All library workers deserve a fair wage – union
- PSA: Defence Force sexual assault prevention team's future uncertain
- RUM: Retired union members invited to stay in touch with Rum
- Engineered stone ban: 'People just tend to think there's no problem'
- Calls to lift default KiwiSaver employer contributions to narrow gender gap
- Touchdown in Delhi: Christopher Luxon fires starting gun on trade talks with India
- Young stroke survivors need better support – advocates
- Labour sets out investment non-negotiables
- Luxon reaffirms NZ's support for Ukraine after 'Coalition of the Willing' call with world leaders
- Labour candidates announced ahead of Wellington council election
- Shane Jones: Cameras on fishing boats is 'state surveillance'
Te Ao Māori
- Crawling back out of recession: Economy likely grew in the final quarter
- 'Classic greenwashing': Gas company removes ad after complaints
- Interest rate cuts don't mean house prices are taking off, sellers told
- Investment summit surpassed my low expectations: Sam Stubbs
- Forget Predator Free 2050 – mega sanctuaries can save our wildlife
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