Mongolia's management of public finances has improved, but further reforms are needed in some areas to achieve international best practice standards, a recent
World Bank assessment finds.
The recently completed Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) report, which assessed the performance of Mongolia's public financial management system against international benchmarks, concluded that Mongolia scored well in relation to access to public information, the budget preparation process, financial data integrity, and external audit. In the application of international accounting standards, fiscal risk management, medium-term budgeting, and the use of performance evaluation to enhance government service delivery, further reforms are needed to enhance fiscal discipline, ensure resources are allocated as intended, and improve service delivery, the report found.
"Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability assessment provides an excellent foundation for Mongolia to measure its progress in driving improvement in its public financial management," said Andrei Mikhnev, World Bank Country Manager for Mongolia. "The current report will also be used to assess the success of our current programs for supporting effective governance in Mongolia and in designing future programs."
"The European Union and Mongolia have a long-term and broad partnership. The report demonstrates Mongolia's willingness to further improve the management of its public finances," said Ambassador-designate Axelle Nicaise, Head of Delegation of the European Union to Mongolia. "The EU will continue to assist Mongolia in its public financial management reform agenda, also with our budget support program".
Mongolia has gradually undertaken reforms to strengthen fiscal discipline and the public financial management system, the report notes. The first phase of reforms between 2003 and 2008 established the basic elements of the system, including strengthening internal controls, cash management, and accounting and reporting. The second phase of reforms between 2008 and 2011 included improvements in fiscal policy, budget planning, and decentralization of roles and resources to subnational governments. More recently, Mongolia has been pursuing a number of initiatives to improve macro-fiscal management and government service delivery.
The report assesses reform progress over the last 5 years. Of the 31 indicators in the assessment framework, 12 indicators show improvement, 13 indicators are unchanged, and three have deteriorated.
The greatest gains since a 2015 assessment were in the areas of budget credibility, the predictability and control of budget execution, revenue administration processes, budget release processes, cash and debt recording, and payroll controls. Comprehensiveness and transparency, policy-based budgeting, accounting and reporting, and external scrutiny and audit were elements of public financial management that remained relatively consistent over time.
"The World Bank congratulates the institutions involved in the progress made to enhance public finance governance." said Alma Kanani, World Bank Governance Practice Manager for East Asia and the Pacific. "It is very good to see that the government's continuous commitment to reforms is producing results."
The assessment was made possible with financing from the EU-funded Strengthening Governance in Mongolia Project. The publication of the report coincides with a planned review and update of the public financial management reform strategy and action plan, and the assessment will provide an important input to the design of future reforms to further strengthen fiscal governance and public financial management.